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Chronological Reports

Collection Reinhold Bacher

Collection Reinhold Bacher

Having been asked several time to present my collection, I will now take us on a visit to the collection of minerals in my cellar.....

2003, September, Fluorite

2003, September, Fluorite

The surprising Summer 2003 ascent of the Weisseck to the Summit Cleft (see Report….) in which I and my friend Walter discovered excellent green fluorite prompted an unintended consequence. I decided to sacrifice time in September....

2003, August, Fluorite

2003, August, Fluorite

In August 2003 I received number of surprises. It all began with an unexpected visit from Walter Petzelberger. While he was admiring the milky quartzes from my recent find from the Diepalgraben....

2003, July, Rutile

2003, July, Rutile

Much time had passed since my last visit to the Lanschützgraben. On Saturday July 19th I took a trip to along with Maria and my three sons to the Sticklerhütte.....

2003, May, Skeletal Quartz

2003, May, Skeletal Quartz

After my beautiful finds in the Diepalgraben there were no more trips because I started building an extension to my house. In the middle of May, after many intensive days at work, ....

2003, April, Quartz

2003, April, Quartz

When recovering the beautiful milky quartzes (DI 2 described in the last report), I frequently had to take short breaks. Chiseling proved to be laborious, or a part of my body ached from lying for long stretches of time in uncomfortable positions....

2003, March, Quartz and Calcite

2003, March, Quartz and Calcite

In March 2003 I started my first collecting trip in the Diepalgraben in Zederhaus. I wanted to examine a place in the back part of a ravine. But, the last remnants of winter held firm precisely in this area....

2002, September, Quartz, Adularia

2002, September, Quartz, Adularia

Earlier that year, in April, I discovered in a slightly higher elevation at this location the good quartz crystals from the last report; in September I returned. For the first time I went through a forest road.....

2002, April, Quartz

2002, April, Quartz

After I regained my passion for searching for minerals, I started looking during the spring of 2002 for quartz clefts in the green-schist...

2001, Summit Cleft, Fluorite

2001, Summit Cleft, Fluorite

In the beginning of July 2001 a group of Strahler from Lungau, including myself, managed to open up another cleft through a passage of clay....

2000, May, Quartz, Calcite

2000, May, Quartz, Calcite

While driving on the interstate in Zederhaustal, something caught my attention that I had previously not noticed, a little wall of green-schist.....

1999, April, Calcite, Quartz

1999, April, Calcite, Quartz

This find was my first major one in the green-schist. That day I searched the green-schist a little further down the valley.....

1995, October, Calcite, Titanite

1995, October, Calcite, Titanite

In early October 1995 I was in the Zederhaus Valley for the first time looking for minerals. A verbal tip about a calcite site and exact directions lead me to the Diepalgraben....

1996, April, Calcite, Quartz

1996, April, Calcite, Quartz

This site has been worked on for a long time and was considered exploited. In April 1996, with a long chisel.....

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